Easter Safety


March 28, 2024

Happy Easter Holiday to you all, be it a celebration or opportunity for a rest!

As we head into the break can we please remind ALL parents to ensure you are checking you have parental controls set on your home internet connection and if your children have access to phone data, controls also on their data connection. You should also explore the options of family controls on devices to help you block download of apps that are age inappropriate.

You can find out how to do that here>>> https://www.internetmatters.org/parental-controls/

We have an increasing number of children choosing to access adult materials or pages online opening themselves up to great risk.

During Safer internet week we used this video with our older children https://youtu.be/K5IqSYSi1kE?si=sQ87i1pbpCb7k9JK to highlight the risks of their behaviour and is definitely worth a watch to remind ourselves, as parents, how able our children are online but how naïve they can still be to the dangers.

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