Beeston Primary School

Engage, Enjoy, Enrich, Excel

Mr Edensor Photo

Headteacher’s Welcome

Promoting a love of learning!


Welcome to Beeston Primary School’s website.

We are a large, exciting and very friendly school, with lots going on. Through our website, we hope to give you an insight into our school, as well as providing regular updated information for both parents, pupils and other interested visitors.

Our children are very important to us and we are a very special school that likes to aim high and celebrate success at every level. The life of the school is driven by enthusiasm and a desire to achieve. We bring learning alive, making it exciting and stimulating whilst nurturing independence and individuality. We also give our children a thirst for learning that we hope continues with them throughout their future school experiences and adult lives.

An essential ingredient for this to happen is teamwork. We view education as a joint venture, involving everyone – children, parents, staff, governors and the wider community. We depend on everyone’s co-operation and support in this partnership, ensuring that we continue to provide the best educational experiences for all children.

We are proud to be an inclusive primary school, bringing together children from a range of economic, social and ethnic backgrounds; creating an exciting and diverse learning community.

The standard of teaching is high throughout school, ensuring that children make good progress with their learning. This is due to our dedicated and highly skilled teaching team who ensure that the children are safe, happy and want to learn either in school or at home by accessing quality home learning experiences.

During our last Ofsted inspection in November 2022, we were judged at being at least good with some outstanding features. We are particularly proud of our outstanding judgement for our early years’ foundation stage as we ensure all of our children get the best possible start to their education at our lovely school. You will find the full report on this website.

We hope that you enjoy your virtual visit, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please follow us on Facebook or download our school app to see what is going on in school this week. Alternatively, feel free to contact the school directly with any queries you may have. We are always here to help.

Thank you,

Mr. N. Edensor


Our long term vision for every child who attends our school is:

To empower all pupils to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners.





We ENGAGE our pupils in the joy of learning through a broad, balanced and inspiring curriculum that is driven by pupil needs and interests. We seek to develop our pupils asinquisitive investigators’ and aspiring entrepreneurs’, who have the motivation, resilience and self-belief to shape their own futures and make a positive contribution to society.

We ‘promote a love of learning’ in every pupil. We want everyone to ENJOY their time at Beeston Primary school.

We ENRICH all pupils’ learning by connecting them to their local, national and global world and by opening doors to new experiences and opportunities. Pupils gain an understanding of our place in our world’, and learn how to live alongside, and show respect for, a diverse range of communities.

We support every pupil to EXCEL, regardless of what barriers or challenges they may face and are committed to building an inclusive school that raises aspirations for all. We place staff and pupil well-being at the centre of our work, nurturing healthy and happy livingfor all.


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